Monday, October 12, 2009

Myths About Health Care Reform

Since I am a first time blogger, I would like to do my best at creating a blog that is unbiased. The Health Care Reform Bill stirs up controversy among both sides of the political spectrum. This blog will tackle the some of the bogus myths that have sprung up from both sides of the debate. These myths are what cause many people to like or dislike the Health Care Reform Bill.

Myth #1: The House Care Bill Mandates or Encourages Euthanasia.

Many senior citizens are concerned with the fact that health care reform will result in shorter lives. One woman from North Carolina asked the president if health care reform would require Medicare patients to meet with physicians every five years and discuss ways they would like to die. This is simply not true. Health care reform will not result in senior citizens ending their lives abruptly.

Myth #2: Americans will lose their Private Insurance.

American citizens are concerned with the fact that switching to a government ran program will cause them to lose their coverage with their current plan. This is not the truth. Americans will be allowed to keep their current plans, but they will have the option to switch to the government plan if they would like. A study that was conducted showed that many Americans would, actually, want to switch to a government plan.

Myth #3: Abortions will be funded by taxpayer money.

Under the health care plan insurance companies will have a choice to fund for an abortion but not with federal funds.

Myth #4: Americans Don’t Want a Government-Run Health Care Plan.

Republicans have constantly insisted that America is not in favor a health care plan ran by the government. When polled many Americans have said that they are in favor of a government-ran health care plan.

Myth #5: A Health Care Bill Will Bring Quick Changes.

Many Democrats make it seem that it is urgent for America to reform health care. While the need is there, the change will not come overnight. It could take up to several years for America to see a change in health care, if the bill is passed.;contentBody


  1. There are so many myths circulating about the current Healthcare legislation in Congress that are simply just not true. I am so glad that you decided to focus on deconstructing these myths and providing some much needed truth in the debate. Personally, I support universal coverage, but as your myth #5 explains I know it will not happen overnight. The other myths you discuss are great in combating what critics of universal coverage believe will ensue. The elderly won't die, abortion will not be funded, and people can keep their insurance if they so choose. I think most of the critics, and developers of these myths, are selfish, and believe that the quality of their healthcare will deteriorate if others are injected into the healthcare system. But thats not true. This plan will not affect one's current healthcare options, but will simply allow those who don't have insurance to be given the same health opportunities as those who already do. Overall,hopefully universal coverage will be partly if not completely achieved, and these myths will eventually go away.

  2. I felt as though I could not do a blog on health care reform, without combating the myths that are circulating. I also believe that health care reform will help millions of people rather than hurting them. We must act to help our fellow citizens of the United States. A lot of people are concerned with helping those with medical need in other countries, when we have an abundant supply of patients who need attention right here in our backyard!! These people who creates these myths have their priorities out of place. We need change in our country when it comes the health care, and President Obama's plan sounds like a great idea to implement the changes needed.
