Monday, October 19, 2009

Reform Legislation

Hi Bloggers!!
If you have been keeping up with health care news, then you would know that a few days ago the Senate Finance Committee voted to pass a health care reform bill. This means that Senate is headed in the right direction for health care reform. The bill is far from perfect, but it indicates that America is getting closer to a health care reform. Those who oppose this bill have opposition due mainly to the price tag of this bill. The bill that was passed will cost an estimated $829 billion, and it will cut the deficit by $ 81 billion over the next decade, but at the same time this bill would provide health coverage to over the 29 million Americans who are currently uninsured. Proponents of this plan are confident in its success because it will tax high-cost plans, cut Medicare spending and increase revenues from new taxes, which they proclaim will offset the costs of covering more people. According to, this bill is expected to face delay. Congress is still waiting on the House to move its health care reform bill, and once it does the House and Senate will have to pass bills back and forth until common grounds can be met. The House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi says, “We are on track, and I am hopeful that we will have a bill by Thanksgiving.” Many others say we shouldn’t expect a bill until sometime around Christmas.
I would like to know how you feel about the Senate Finance Committee passing a health care reform bill. Do you think that we are getting closer to much needed health care reform? Or, do you think it will be a while before we see reform?
Please leave your comments. Your opinions are greatly valued. Thanks.


  1. It is awesome that the reform bill finally got passed! It will be interesting to see how things will changes over the next couple of years, will things get better or for some reason get worse? Hopefully more families will be happy about the change rather than mad. In my eyes, any thing that helps others is a good change..hopefully it is the same for health care reform. This post provided great information, can't wait to read more over the next few weeks!

  2. I think that it will be a while before the bill is passed just due to the fact that so many people appose it. I don't neccesarily agree with the current plans for health care reform. This is due to the fact that I dont think that the governemnt should run it. Sure they say that private providers will still be around but they will eventually fade out. Didn't you say that they would tax private insurance companies? I somewhat believe tha the health care reform is more about the government having more control (which is bad) and less about providing "quality health care."

  3. Thank you Oh the Media! I am also very excited to see where this health care reform will take us. I believe that it will benefit our country more than it will destroy it. I think things will soon start to improve. For the last several years there has not been much done to improve health care conditions, so I would like to see where this turn would take us in the future as well.
