Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Annotated Links

Hello Bloggers! It’s HealtFanatic back once again to share with you some links that I found useful in creating blogs relevant to my subject.
I’m not sure how “intellectual” Youtube is, but this link allowed me to watch President Obama address Congress. His address had to do solely with Health Care Reform, and his proposed bill. If you are not completely sure what the proposed health care bill is, I suggest that you watch this video, it’s a little lengthy but it is extremely useful.
If you are the type of person who would like to read bulleted facts, then I suggest this link. This website helped me to gather facts about healthcare and its current costs. It was a simple read, and not a lot of “Congressional” language that was difficult to understand. This website gets straight to the point by discussing the facts associate with healthcare.
This was one of my favorite sites. This link separates fact from fiction in the healthcare debate. Many opponents of healthcare reform have stirred up controversy and have suggested an abundant number of “untruths” in this debate. The myths have caused unruly behavior in town hall debates. So if you would like to know the truth about healthcare reform, I definitely suggest this website.
I found this link to be heart wrenching. On this website people describe how they were treated in emergency rooms. Many of these patients were uninsured and did not receive adequate medical attention while they suffered. People also share stories of how they were denied health insurance due to pre-existing conditions. Reading stories like these is what made me believe there should be health care reform in our country.
As I stated in previous posts, every argument faces a counter-argument. This link looks at the ideas that opponents of health care reform have. I had to look at all sides of the argument to make my argument fair.
If you were searching for more information about healthcare reform, then I hope these links are helpful to you!!

Implications Post

Health Care Reform will be in the news for a while. We have not heard the last of Health Care Reform in America. In recent news two separate bills have been trying to get passed through the House and the Senate. I believe that soon opponents and proponents of health care legislation will come to common grounds, and the bill will eventually become law. Health care reform has gone way too long without recognition, and soon those who are currently uninsured will have an option to choose whether or not they would like to receive help from the government. Soon a bill will be passed that gives relief to the 50 million uninsured Americans.

Self-Analysis Post

Unfortunately, my blogging days are coming to an end. This was my first time blogging and must I say that it has been an experience that I will never forget. When I began my blog, I was not sure what direction I would take my topic of Health Care Reform. To be honest, I wasn’t even that all familiar with the current health care reform legislation. All I knew is that I was in favor a health care reform bill being passed to better the lives of the millions of American who are uninsured. I began my blog by simply trying to convince an audience that America was in desperate need of health care legislation, but soon it evolved into me connecting Health Care Reform with our current economic situation.
I learned that adopting a health care bill would, in fact, better our economic crisis by freeing up money that is currently used on unnecessary medical expenses. I also learned that a large part of debt in this country comes from medical expenses. I saw a common theme with money and health care: An abundant amount of money is being wasted in our current health care situation. To me health care and economics went hand in hand. And it also seemed clear to me that if you fix one of the problems, then inevitably the other one will also become solved.
I also discovered why Health Care Reform is such a controversial issue. Many people are intimidated by too much government power. They feel that the government should not have the right to meddle in citizen’s day to day lives. Many refer to this as “dictatorship”. Opponents were also upset about so called “public option” that President Obama wants to implement into the Health Care Reform Bill. The “public option” would work like the current Medicaid system and give an option the nearly 50 million uninsured to receive health insurance. This plan has critics because it would raise taxes to pay for its costs.
By doing this project, I have also learned to view the other side for effective arguing. Although I didn’t agree with the opponents of the health care reform bill, I had to view their side to effectively argue my side. By viewing their side, I realized that some of their points made were actually valid and that they had every right to take the stance they did toward the topic.
I feel that the blog project has allowed me to grow as a writer and also as a thinker. I now can listen to other sides of an argument without becoming mad and frustrated. I now have to think out my ideas and arguments, and I have to validate why my ideas are essential to the topic at stake. This project has caused me to dig deeper into my ideas as well as other people’s ideas and to consider every possible argument.

Theory Post

I believe it is inevitable that some type of health care reform legislation will pass through Congress and make its way to becoming law. In order to create a bill that will appease the majority, opponents and proponents must unite and find common ground. Proponents for health care legislation are stubbornly pushing for the passage of the public option which will give the government the right to provide health insurance to those who cannot afford it or to those who were denied on pre-existing conditions. The public option will more than likely raise taxes, and of course citizens are outraged about paying more money to the government. Opponents of health care reform must stop misleading the public with myths. Many senior citizens believe that health care reform will cause them to die earlier because they will not receive adequate health care. This is simply not true.
If somehow the public option could be viewed in a positive light, then I believe the subject of health care reform would be far less controversial. Proponents and opponents must unite to create a health care reform bill that betters America’s current health care policies.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Funding for Health Care Reform

It’s Me Again Bloggers!
As I have said in previous blog posts I want my blog to focus on the aspect of the economy and health care reform. A valid question that many concerned citizens have dealing with health care reform is: how will this proposed plan be paid for?? Obama wants to cover nearly 50 million citizens who are currently uninsured; this could costs up to 1 trillion dollars over ten years!! So you may be asking yourself, WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE WE SUPPOSED TO GET ALL THAT MONEY?? This is a common question to those who are keeping up with health care reform. Both of the plans that have recently passed in Congress in both the Senate and the House consist of raising certain taxes to cover the costs of the health reform bill. The plan passed in Senate calls for a “tax on high-value health insurance plans”. While the plan passed in the House calls for a “high-income surtax”. Many people feel as though we should not raise taxes in order to include a public option in the health reform bill. I, on the other hand, believe that the public option is a great way to get health care to those who simply can’t afford, and I believe that raising or creating new taxes to cover this option wouldn’t be so bad.

Opponents of Health Care Reform

Hello Bloggers!
My blog has dealt with health care reform and as you all can probably tell, I am all for Health Care Reform. But to create a fair argument I must present the other side of the debate. Many conservatives and liberals are against the idea of Health Care Reform, especially the “public option” section that ties in with it. They feel that health care reform is giving the government too much power, and giving the government the right to run too many aspects in citizen’s lives. They believe that the more the government has a right to control health care, the worse health care will become. Opponents feel that those without insurance can still receive all the help they need through emergency room visits. They also make a valid point exclaiming that the taxes would rise due to health care reform because of the public option. They argue that this would affect the people who are currently without health insurance now. Opponents say that raising the taxes to pay for the public option would press those who can’t afford health insurance now, and if those citizens can not currently afford health insurance, then what will guarantee that they will be able to afford an increase in taxes. I believe that the opponents on health care reform make some valid points in their argument, but I also believe that they are not contributing any alternatives to the problem at hand. It seems that they would like for America to continue on its path of poor health care.

Public Option

Welcome Back Bloggers!
I have noticed that the recent debate over health care reform has been confusing for many. There are numerous terms in it that confuse the general public. One term in particular that many people are hearing, but aren’t completely sure what it means is the “public option”. This term has been tossed around loosely over the last couple of months and it has been also stirring up major controversy in the debate over health care reform. But what exactly is the “public option” and why is it relevant to the debate over health care reform? The public option plan is a plan that would be modeled after the current Medicaid program. It would offer health insurance to those who cannot afford it, or those who are denied coverage due to “pre-existing” conditions. It would be made available through a new insurance purchasing plan. Proponents of the public option in the health care bill believe that it is a necessity. They believe it will serve as a backup plan for those who do not have secure health care benefits; it will be a benchmark for private insurance companies; and it will eventually lower the costs of medical procedures. The public option has been controversial in the debate over health care reform. Critics of this plan believe that the plan is not necessary and will cost too much money to cover.
Now that you are a little more informed about the public option please feel free to leave your comments on how you believe the option will affect the health care reform bill.