Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Public Option

Welcome Back Bloggers!
I have noticed that the recent debate over health care reform has been confusing for many. There are numerous terms in it that confuse the general public. One term in particular that many people are hearing, but aren’t completely sure what it means is the “public option”. This term has been tossed around loosely over the last couple of months and it has been also stirring up major controversy in the debate over health care reform. But what exactly is the “public option” and why is it relevant to the debate over health care reform? The public option plan is a plan that would be modeled after the current Medicaid program. It would offer health insurance to those who cannot afford it, or those who are denied coverage due to “pre-existing” conditions. It would be made available through a new insurance purchasing plan. Proponents of the public option in the health care bill believe that it is a necessity. They believe it will serve as a backup plan for those who do not have secure health care benefits; it will be a benchmark for private insurance companies; and it will eventually lower the costs of medical procedures. The public option has been controversial in the debate over health care reform. Critics of this plan believe that the plan is not necessary and will cost too much money to cover.
Now that you are a little more informed about the public option please feel free to leave your comments on how you believe the option will affect the health care reform bill.

1 comment:

  1. I also heard about the public option. Apparently the government is trying to create a government sponsored organization in order to provide health insurance to those who cannot afford it. This public organization will help those not be left out by private insurance companies.
