Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Self-Analysis Post

Unfortunately, my blogging days are coming to an end. This was my first time blogging and must I say that it has been an experience that I will never forget. When I began my blog, I was not sure what direction I would take my topic of Health Care Reform. To be honest, I wasn’t even that all familiar with the current health care reform legislation. All I knew is that I was in favor a health care reform bill being passed to better the lives of the millions of American who are uninsured. I began my blog by simply trying to convince an audience that America was in desperate need of health care legislation, but soon it evolved into me connecting Health Care Reform with our current economic situation.
I learned that adopting a health care bill would, in fact, better our economic crisis by freeing up money that is currently used on unnecessary medical expenses. I also learned that a large part of debt in this country comes from medical expenses. I saw a common theme with money and health care: An abundant amount of money is being wasted in our current health care situation. To me health care and economics went hand in hand. And it also seemed clear to me that if you fix one of the problems, then inevitably the other one will also become solved.
I also discovered why Health Care Reform is such a controversial issue. Many people are intimidated by too much government power. They feel that the government should not have the right to meddle in citizen’s day to day lives. Many refer to this as “dictatorship”. Opponents were also upset about so called “public option” that President Obama wants to implement into the Health Care Reform Bill. The “public option” would work like the current Medicaid system and give an option the nearly 50 million uninsured to receive health insurance. This plan has critics because it would raise taxes to pay for its costs.
By doing this project, I have also learned to view the other side for effective arguing. Although I didn’t agree with the opponents of the health care reform bill, I had to view their side to effectively argue my side. By viewing their side, I realized that some of their points made were actually valid and that they had every right to take the stance they did toward the topic.
I feel that the blog project has allowed me to grow as a writer and also as a thinker. I now can listen to other sides of an argument without becoming mad and frustrated. I now have to think out my ideas and arguments, and I have to validate why my ideas are essential to the topic at stake. This project has caused me to dig deeper into my ideas as well as other people’s ideas and to consider every possible argument.

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