Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Opponents of Health Care Reform

Hello Bloggers!
My blog has dealt with health care reform and as you all can probably tell, I am all for Health Care Reform. But to create a fair argument I must present the other side of the debate. Many conservatives and liberals are against the idea of Health Care Reform, especially the “public option” section that ties in with it. They feel that health care reform is giving the government too much power, and giving the government the right to run too many aspects in citizen’s lives. They believe that the more the government has a right to control health care, the worse health care will become. Opponents feel that those without insurance can still receive all the help they need through emergency room visits. They also make a valid point exclaiming that the taxes would rise due to health care reform because of the public option. They argue that this would affect the people who are currently without health insurance now. Opponents say that raising the taxes to pay for the public option would press those who can’t afford health insurance now, and if those citizens can not currently afford health insurance, then what will guarantee that they will be able to afford an increase in taxes. I believe that the opponents on health care reform make some valid points in their argument, but I also believe that they are not contributing any alternatives to the problem at hand. It seems that they would like for America to continue on its path of poor health care.

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