Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Who pays for the uninsured?

Hi Bloggers!!
You all know that my blog has been discussing the current health care reform bill that is now at a stake in our country. After doing my analysis blog, I decided that I would like for my blogs to focus more on the economic impact that health care has. My earlier blogs discussed how so many Americans are currently uninsured and they find it very difficult to seek medical attention. But what happens when the uninsured is in dire need of medical help, and the desperately have to seek help from the emergency room. A hospital cannot turn a patient down, insured or uninsured; the hospital must give care to patients who are in critical health. When uninsured patients are facing life or death situations they go to emergency rooms, and who ends up paying their bill? If you guessed tax payers or other insured patients then you guessed right. Medical bills must be paid and if they are not paid by the patient, then the money has to come from somewhere. The majority of the time that “somewhere” is from increased costs of those who do have insurance and can afford to pay, or those who pay taxes. With the reform bill that President Obama is seeking to pass health insurance would be an option to all citizens and those without it would gain easy access to doctors that they currently are without. The reform bill would relieve some of the burdens placed on low income families and allow them to live the “healthy” life that they deserve.


  1. Very good idea to narrow your topic to economics because that is one of the most important elements of the new bill. These people with low income would gain access but tax payers would still be paying for it right? Obama is trying to pass a bill for a new health care system but he can’t just pull the money out of thin air. This new health care plan is going to cost tax payers money despite what Obama says. What are your feelings on this?

  2. I strongly agree with you on hospitals. They do not have the right to turn down those who are not insured. But they do anyways. It is wrong for the government to allow such behavior from them. I believe that the new healthcare reform bill will accurately address this probelm.

  3. I agree with AW. Any type of health care reform is going to cost money, and it is money that won't be pulled from thin air. I also believe that taxes will be raised in order to pay for health care reform. I don't think that they will be raised ridiculously though. It will be a fair amount that most people should be able to afford. I also heard some talk about taxes wealthier citizens more than poor individuals.
